Having a noisy neighbor can disrupt your life in many ways. You might have trouble working during the day, relaxing in the evening, or sleeping at night if your neighbor makes a lot of noise. You might not be sure of how to approach this issue, so follow the steps below to help you get the peace and quiet that you deserve.
Be Understanding
Depending on where you live and the type of noise that you are dealing with, it's important to be at least somewhat understanding. After all, when you live in an apartment, it's only natural that you will hear your neighbors from time to time. Think about the volume and type of noise, the time of day that the noise is a problem, and other factors to determine if you have a legitimate complaint.
Try to Talk to Your Neighbor
There is a chance that your noisy neighbor does not even realize just how disruptive he or she is. Before you take further action, you may just want to speak to your neighbor or write them a friendly note addressing the situation. You may find that this is surprisingly effective, and it can help you maintain a good relationship with your neighbor.
Keep a Noise Journal
If the noise continues even after speaking to your neighbor, it's smart to keep a noise journal. Start keeping track of the times of day that you hear a lot of noise and the types of noise that you are hearing. Then, you will have evidence when you take further action.
Talk to Your Landlord
If you live in an apartment community, speak with the property manager manages about the issue. Be sure to have your facts in order (unit numbers, names, noise journal information, etc.). Your landlord might not be aware of the problem. After you bring it to his or her attention, though, your property management staff might take action to mitigate the situation. Alternatively, your property manager might offer you a different apartment unit to move to with different neighbors.
Dealing with a noisy neighbor can be an unpleasant situation. Luckily, you do have options. If you follow the steps above, you will hopefully be able to enjoy a little peace and quiet soon.